I've actually have gotten pretty skilled at packing now, since I have been traveling quite a bit in the last two years. But packing for a week in Paris in one carry on suitcase has posed an interesting challenge for me. Why am I bringing only one carry on you might ask?
Well, I have this fear of losing my luggage when traveling internationally, so I am trying to avoid that as much as possible. On a weekly basis, I deal with clients who come into the store and need new outfits because the airline lost their luggage, or their luggage was stolen. And I definitely would not be a happy camper if that happened to me. Plus I don't have a few thousand euros laying around to purchase a new travel wardrobe at my destination.
So far, there are a few piles spread across my living room floor: one of clothing, one of accessories, one of pajamas, and one of random other things I might need. The weather channel has predicted sunny weather in the high 30's for the week that I am there. But I don't completely trust that either, so I am also bringing an umbrella just in case.
The fact that Americans were voted worst dressed tourists comes as no surprise to me. But at the same time, I don't want to bring my most expensive articles either. So I think I'll settle for something in between, and travel comfortably but still have a little Dien fashion flare. As far as shoes, I've been advised that we will be doing a lot of walking so wear comfy shoes. Well you guys know by now that my comfy shoes are hideous, and therefore, I cannot bear the thought of strolling the Parisian chic streets in orthopedics. Haha. So I will have to find a common ground there as well.
So for the next 3 days, my packing marathon continues as I add, edit, and then edit again. And I can't forget to leave room for the abundance of wonderful Parisian Macarons that I will be smuggling home.
I always travel with one carry on suitcase. :)